
Hører på siste The Talk Show med Gruber og Snell. Og Gruber fortsetter med å skrive om historien til Apple Watch.

Nå antydet han at Apple brukte noe annet enn «all day battery life» for å beskrive hvor lenge en Apple Watch holdt til daglig bruk.

Var det for noen den ikke holdt hele dagen. Sikkert. F.eks bruke den til to eller flere treningsøkter om dagen brukte nok litt mer batteri.

La oss se hva Apple Pundit John Gruber skrev i 2015

After more than a week of daily use, Apple Watch has more than alleviated any concerns I had about getting through a day on a single charge. I noted the remaining charge when I went to bed each night. It was usually still in the 30s or 40s. Once it was still over 50 percent charged. Once, it was down to 27. And one day — last Thursday — it was all the way down to 5 percent. But that day was an exception — I used the watch for an extraordinary amount of testing, nothing at all resembling typical usage. I’m surprised the watch had any remaining charge at all that day. I never once charged the watch other than while I slept.


I find every word of that description (including the 18 hours of battery life) to be accurate and free of hyperbole.

Og min erfaring med epleklokke siden høsten 2015 antyder det samme.